Have you ever had a series of incidents happen, all tied together creating a beautiful and inspiring story, wrapped up with an “ah-ha!” moment at the end? When the first one or two happened you were touched; they were special, but not particularly remarkable. And you didn’t quite see the connections between these events until the very last incident came along and slammed it home so hard you were blown away by the sheer magnitude of meaning behind these events. You then realized there was a purpose for each one, leading up to the grand finale when all the pieces fit together into a cohesive series of remarkable coincidences which could not have been more perfectly planned! I call these “God-incidences,” and more recently “Michael-incidences” because for me they usually involve some sort of message from Michael. Well, friends, I have an amazing story to tell involving rainbows and love messages. Messages for you and for me. But first, let’s rewind back to the summer of 2009...
When my life-changing journey with Michael began last summer, I was grieving so heavily that for months, all I did was cry whenever I was alone. I could barely hold it together to get through my workdays or times when I was required to be with other people. I did my best to keep it under wraps because I didn’t entirely understand what was happening to me at first. I couldn’t explain it to anyone else if I didn’t understand it myself. My boss noticed something was wrong one day when I came back from lunch with watery, puffy eyes and all I could say to her was, “God uses very unlikely vessels sometimes to get our attention. And this one has got me stumped! I‘ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.” I was so confused and dazed by my extreme grief over Michael’s death during this time that I wasn’t keeping track of all the amazing ways he was touching me and awakening my soul. I could see Michael’s light, and God was changing my heart with new vision and profound awareness about who this man was! I mean, I always knew Michael, but I didn’t really know him, you know? Through watching his performances and interviews and reading anything about him I could get my hands on, through my dreams and discoveries of our many “soul connections” along the way, as well as through prayer and answers to prayer, I was learning the truth about Michael Jackson from the inside out. God was showing me everything and I was like a sponge, absorbing as much as I possibly could, saturating my spirit with the essence of this man who came out of nowhere to inspire me! It was so overwhelming at times, my head was literally spinning, my stomach was constantly in knots, and my heart felt like it was going to explode from the sheer volume of light, love, and knowledge that was streaming into my consciousness every day. I remember thinking, “If I tell anyone about this, they will surely think I’ve gone insane! Nobody else around me seems to have caught this wave. Why is that?”
I soon realized that this ride was going to last a while and I needed to start recording my journey somehow, so in December I started a journal, and soon after that I began writing poetry, to my shock and delight! I would never have called myself the creative type. But something was stirring…no, something was brewing up a storm inside of me! And all the ways in which Michael was touching me were crying out to be expressed. He seemed to want to show me my potential as a creative being. And what I thought was just a quirk when I wrote my first poem, has turned out to be so much more than that. My entire creative spirit has been awakened! I look at everything differently now. I see beauty in art of all kinds and I am often moved to tears just by looking at a drawing a child has made, or watching a bird perched atop a small tree begin to dance in front of me! All things of nature are suddenly more vibrant: cloud formations in the sky, the moon and the stars, the way the leaves rustle in the trees when the wind blows, a perfectly formed flower, crickets singing on a warm summer night, a child’s laughter, and Michael’s voice in all its forms and expressions as he sings to me every single day.
My intuition has also been awakened by this experience and, for the most part, I have “tuned in” to that force within me that just knows. I questioned it at first, but I don’t anymore. I just know when Michael is connecting with me or when God is communicating with me through him. When I started my journal in December, I attempted to record some incidents that happened prior to that, but many of them have been lost in the haze of this mind-boggling experience. That’s OK, I have plenty of “Michael-incidences” to keep me going for some time. There’s one in particular that I’d like to share with you now…
It was right around the third week in May. I had been feeling somewhat alone in recent weeks, not sensing Michael’s presence so much, wanting to know if he was still with me. I was running an errand after work one day, walking to my car with headphones on listening to “Someone in the Dark.” Just as Michael was singing to me "look for the rainbow in the sky," I turned around to get into my car and there it was. A full double rainbow! It was so beautiful it took my breath away! And from where I was standing, it looked like the end of the smaller rainbow was near my home, so I set out to find it. Driving toward my neighborhood, I realized once I got a little closer that it was farther away than I first thought and I couldn‘t get to it, so I abandoned my search. But I wasn’t disappointed, it was still an awesome experience! I was once again reminded of Michael’s presence and his surprising ways of letting me know that he’s still with me. I was grateful for this little message and I thanked him for it.
“Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
Oh, I believe you and I could never really say goodbye”
Now, fast forward about a month, right before the one year anniversary of Michael’s death. It was June 22. I received an email from my sister. It was a forward - you know, one of those with an inspirational message attached. Well, this message came with a beautiful picture of a double rainbow. I immediately recalled my rainbow sighting in May accompanied by Michael’s magical voice. And thinking about it triggered another memory from years ago, which I wrote about to my daughter when I forwarded this rainbow photo & message to her. I wrote, “Do you remember years ago when we were driving on the freeway and we drove right through the end of a rainbow? It was like this bright yellow light all around us when we drove through it - all golden! Just like they say, there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... and we touched it! (or it touched us!) Pretty amazing, huh? That can only happen once in a lifetime!” This statement triggered the flow of words into a simple little poem written very quickly and sent to my daughter and friends, telling them the story of how this beautiful rainbow touched me.

I soon realized that this ride was going to last a while and I needed to start recording my journey somehow, so in December I started a journal, and soon after that I began writing poetry, to my shock and delight! I would never have called myself the creative type. But something was stirring…no, something was brewing up a storm inside of me! And all the ways in which Michael was touching me were crying out to be expressed. He seemed to want to show me my potential as a creative being. And what I thought was just a quirk when I wrote my first poem, has turned out to be so much more than that. My entire creative spirit has been awakened! I look at everything differently now. I see beauty in art of all kinds and I am often moved to tears just by looking at a drawing a child has made, or watching a bird perched atop a small tree begin to dance in front of me! All things of nature are suddenly more vibrant: cloud formations in the sky, the moon and the stars, the way the leaves rustle in the trees when the wind blows, a perfectly formed flower, crickets singing on a warm summer night, a child’s laughter, and Michael’s voice in all its forms and expressions as he sings to me every single day.
My intuition has also been awakened by this experience and, for the most part, I have “tuned in” to that force within me that just knows. I questioned it at first, but I don’t anymore. I just know when Michael is connecting with me or when God is communicating with me through him. When I started my journal in December, I attempted to record some incidents that happened prior to that, but many of them have been lost in the haze of this mind-boggling experience. That’s OK, I have plenty of “Michael-incidences” to keep me going for some time. There’s one in particular that I’d like to share with you now…
It was right around the third week in May. I had been feeling somewhat alone in recent weeks, not sensing Michael’s presence so much, wanting to know if he was still with me. I was running an errand after work one day, walking to my car with headphones on listening to “Someone in the Dark.” Just as Michael was singing to me "look for the rainbow in the sky," I turned around to get into my car and there it was. A full double rainbow! It was so beautiful it took my breath away! And from where I was standing, it looked like the end of the smaller rainbow was near my home, so I set out to find it. Driving toward my neighborhood, I realized once I got a little closer that it was farther away than I first thought and I couldn‘t get to it, so I abandoned my search. But I wasn’t disappointed, it was still an awesome experience! I was once again reminded of Michael’s presence and his surprising ways of letting me know that he’s still with me. I was grateful for this little message and I thanked him for it.
“Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
Oh, I believe you and I could never really say goodbye”
Now, fast forward about a month, right before the one year anniversary of Michael’s death. It was June 22. I received an email from my sister. It was a forward - you know, one of those with an inspirational message attached. Well, this message came with a beautiful picture of a double rainbow. I immediately recalled my rainbow sighting in May accompanied by Michael’s magical voice. And thinking about it triggered another memory from years ago, which I wrote about to my daughter when I forwarded this rainbow photo & message to her. I wrote, “Do you remember years ago when we were driving on the freeway and we drove right through the end of a rainbow? It was like this bright yellow light all around us when we drove through it - all golden! Just like they say, there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... and we touched it! (or it touched us!) Pretty amazing, huh? That can only happen once in a lifetime!” This statement triggered the flow of words into a simple little poem written very quickly and sent to my daughter and friends, telling them the story of how this beautiful rainbow touched me.
Once In a Lifetime
Touched by a rainbow
Golden light
Embraced me, caressed me
Renewed my inward sight
Warmed my heart
Enticed a vow
Penetrated my soul
One precious moment
The pot of gold was mine
Changed my world forever
Pure love, so divine
Miracle of nature
The essence of You
Captured in its radiance
Love, Perfection, Truth
Once in a lifetime
A rainbow touches you
Golden light
Its gift is life anew
Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess
I feel compelled to add here that the words written in this poem express how I felt on this day, June 22, 2010 as I recalled the moment we drove through the end of the rainbow many years earlier. I don't remember feeling these things then or being so spiritually moved by the experience at the time, other than a sense of awe at the odds of something like that happening to anyone, anywhere! I feel that my words here are more a reflection of my journey with Michael over the last year and the fact that he had touched me twice in recent weeks with his rainbow messages. But, as I mentioned earlier, these first two incidents were very special, but not extremely remarkable…not yet, that is.
Even though I was briefly inspired by these "Michael-incidences," my mind was intently focused on the impending anniversary date of Michael’s death. Feeling an underlying sense of dread in anticipation of the emotions which would be evoked by the memories of that day, I knew the harsh reality of his being gone from this earth and the overwhelming awareness of this tremendous loss to the world would be driven home with cutting precision like a stake through my heart, re-opening those slightly healed wounds from one year ago. After watching a few of the specials on TV, reading and viewing many of the wonderful tributes about him on the internet, and participating in the Major Love Prayer, the date was forever marked as a day to honor the remarkable life and contributions of this amazing man. My grief intensified and I felt somewhat lost and very much alone. I wanted to write something…anything about how I was feeling, but the words didn’t come. I couldn't pin them down.
I was also reminded once again of the immense task in front of me - continuing to do Michael’s work in the world - and I was not so sure if I was up to it. Oh, I had some good ideas and I had done a few small things already, but it didn’t seem like much. Not in comparison to Michael’s life and everything he did! Nor did it seem like much in comparison to things I'd seen other fans doing. I could tell I was heading down that path again - you know the one where you feel very small and insignificant in the larger picture. Incapable, unworthy, and oh-so alone. Even when I know I’m heading there, I can’t always stop myself. I have to get to the point where I break, where my soul cries out for reassurance and I need that extra little push to believe in myself again. I reached that point a few days after the anniversary.
I was at work, alone in my office during the afternoon hours, and I could feel the pressure building. Emotions were on the verge of breaking through to release the pressure, threatening to spill over into a waterfall of tears. I managed to find time to go to a place where I was safe and where I knew I would be completely alone. I entered my church’s sanctuary. It was empty and still - the light coming through the stained glass windows cast a warm glow throughout the room. The ornate woodwork and the beautiful windows lend themselves to the simple charm of this historic little place of worship which still captures my heart every time I enter its sacred inner space. It's a place of comfort and protection for me - a place where I can feel God’s presence and His constant love. I sat in a pew a few rows from the front, looked up at my favorite stained glass window of Jesus praying in the garden at Gethsemane the night before he was crucified... and the dam inside of me burst. A waterfall of tears flowed freely accompanied by deep soulful sobs. Although I still cry every single day, I had not cried this deeply in months. I got angry, and in between tissues I prayed and I asked a lot of questions. “Who do I think I am to deserve this gift? I’ve been selfish! Please forgive me. I don’t know if I can be as loving and kind as Michael is. I don’t know if I have what it takes to care about others the way I should. I cannot write from my heart anymore…it’s gone…I feel silence inside! It’s as if that creative spark has found a place to hide again. That feeling of deep love and truth has run away from this undeserving soul. How do I get it back? And how do I keep Michael in my heart without preventing him from moving forward? I’m afraid that with time and being left to my own devices, I will go back to the way things were, losing this precious gift for good. I think I would rather die first! Is this gift for real, or was it just temporary - only a fantasy to be short-lived? If it IS real, I need help to find that light again! How can I do what you want me to do if I keep losing sight of my own light? I need him to hold me while I cry until I can’t cry anymore! I need him to reach out and hug me until my need is diminished by his loving embrace! Yes, this is selfish, but right now I don’t know any other way to express how I’m feeling. I’ve been lonely a long time now. You know my heart…You know my truth. Help me so I can do what you’ve asked me to do.” My sobs were reduced to soft weeping and I lingered there in silence for a while, breathing deeply and steadily, slowly regaining my composure. The silence and the warm glow from the windows cradled me now and settled my spirit. I knew I had said all that I needed to say, and it was time to go.
Feeling emotionally spent and exhausted, I gathered my pile of tissues and headed home. I don’t really remember much about my evening. I was still numb from my emotional tirade, and I think I was just going through the motions - checking messages online, looking for any news or stories about Michael, as I did every evening. Falling asleep listening to Michael sing his ballads, I slept longer and deeper than I had in a very long while. When I awoke, the tune from the song “Hold My Hand” was playing in my head - the one Michael recorded with Akon - and I had an image of Michael standing in front of me holding his hand out for me to take, looking right into my eyes with a sweet, gentle, coaxing look that said, “Come on, take my hand, it’s OK.” It gave me a very comforting feeling and I didn’t want to fully wake up from this lovely dream. But I was curious about why I had this song in my head. I had only heard it a couple times before and I didn’t know it very well. I decided I needed to get on the computer before going to work, find the lyrics and write them down because I was interested to see if they held any answers to my prayers from yesterday.
I forgot that I had left my computer on the night before and when I logged on, I noticed I was still connected to facebook. I was just about to click on the “logout” button when I noticed something at the top of my home page. It was a message from an MJ friend sending a link to a YouTube video entitled “The Rainbow is My Love Message.” I thought, “What? You’re kidding me, right? I have to check this out!” So I clicked on the link and watched & listened to the video. It was a tribute to Michael using the song “The Rainbow is My Love Message” (partial lyrics below) which is sung in Italian. Someone had taken the time to translate the lyrics to English and they were posted there. When I read them, I cried another bucket of tears!! Michael led me to this, I just know it! He wanted me to find this. It holds the answers to all my questions…and more! This was the final piece in the rainbow series of “Michael-incidences” which made everything clear. His hand was reaching out to me once again, as in my dream! I don’t usually get online before going to work in the morning - but my dream enticed me and I just happened to have time on this day - very rare! I would not have seen this message later in the day...

The Rainbow is My Love Message
I've left suddenly
I had no time to say goodbye
Short moments, but still shorter
if there is a light that pierces your heart
The rainbow is my love message
Maybe one day you could touch it
With the colors it would cancel
the most discouraging and distressing pain
I've become the sunset of evening, you know
and I speak as the leaves of April
and I live inside of every sincere voice
and with the birds I live a soft song
and my speech more beautiful and dense
expresses with the silence its sense
Some things I didn’t understand
that are clear as the falling stars
And I have to tell you that it is infinite pleasure
to carry these heavy suitcases
I really miss you so much my dear friend
and so many things I have to say
Listen only to the real music
and always try to understand
Listen always to the real music
and try to understand if you can
God has brought me back to my light with this one simple, yet profound message from Michael! With these words, Michael has let me know that he was holding me while I cried, until I couldn’t cry anymore. He heard me and he wanted me to understand that every time I look at a rainbow, that is his love message. He is there - I can count on it! Every time I see a sunset or new life coming forth in the spring, every time I hear a sincere voice or a bird’s soft song, he is there! And the silence...oh my, the beautiful silence - he is there as well. From now on, I will embrace the silence when it comes and I will not doubt that it has a purpose! I was very touched by the line “I have to tell you that it is infinite pleasure to carry these heavy suitcases.” Every single time I “bother” Michael with my questions and my need for reassurance, he comes around and lets me know that he continues to believe in me. And I never get the feeling that he is growing impatient with me - he has endless patience - and I have even felt that he takes great pleasure in being able to touch those of us who need him in our moments of despair.
I am sharing this story with you because I believe Michael wants all of us to hear these messages - they‘re not just for me. He wants us to feel his love because it is true and real! And he wants to help us gather strength and inspiration for continuing his work in the world. By sharing my experience with you, we can hold each other up, give each other strength, and share our mutual love for this beautiful soul. I wrote a poem back in March called “Whispers at Morning” in which I asked how I could make a difference and be inspiration for others. The words that came through me in answer to my question were not my own. And it was very clear to me that the message I was receiving through those words was to use my words about my experiences and the things that inspired me to share with others so that they may be inspired also. These experiences feel personal to me, and on one level they are - just as your Michael experiences are personal to you. But I also understand that Michael belongs to the world. He loves each of us individually and universally. There is no doubt in my mind that Michael wants to give us as much encouragement as we need to stay strong and steady in our mission to heal the world on his behalf! He was an artist of the highest magnitude and the purest form. It was through his art that he communicated his deepest emotions and his most sincere longings. He continues to deliver messages in ways that are poetic and divinely inspired, just as he did his entire life. If we are open to receiving them in surprising and unexpected ways, he will not disappoint! God Bless His Beautiful Soul!!!
And now, just for good measure, here are partial lyrics to “Hold My Hand”… gotta love it!

by Michael Jackson & Akon
This life don't last forever
So tell me what we're waiting for
We're better off being together
Than being miserable alone
Cause I've been there before
And you've been there before
But together we can be alright
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We hold each other ‘til we see the sunlight
Hold my hand
Baby I promise that I'll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come between us if you just hold my hand.
The nights are getting darker
And there's no peace inside
So why make our lives harder
By fighting love tonight
Cause I've been there before
And you've been there before
But together we can be alright
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We hold each other ‘til we see the sunlight
So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I'll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come between us if you just hold my hand.
I can tell you're tired of being lonely
Take my hand don't let go baby hold me
Come to me and let me be your one and only
So I can make it alright ‘til the morning
Oh, my goodness, Charlene - beautiful post - and one with which I can really, really relate! Back in the 1990's I was fighting with myself over whether or not I could do anything to help Michael over there in Bangkok, Thailand (first set of allegations). I mean, really - what could I do. I live in Podunk USA. How can I reach out and comfort a man like Michael Jackson when he is touring half a world away. So, I get a brainstorm "telegram." You could send a telegram. Yeah, but where do you send a telegram - and how do you send a telegram - and what good would it do to send a telelgram. You know what I mean. This argument is just playing and playing like a broken record in my brain.
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm driving home from work behind this guy going like 20 miles an hour when I'm used to going 60 per from door to door - and this argument is going on in my head - and I'm getting really irked at this slow poke - when all of a sudden the world just stops. The car in front of me is revealed as a messenger because I notice the license plate. It reads: "JAXSON"!!! Needless to say, my heart went into overdrive - and I took as deep a breath as I possibly could and said, "Okay, okay - so, I'll send a telegram!" And I did! Don't know if he ever read it, but it expressed me and my caring and concern. Maybe it's just the EXPRESSION that we send out into the universe that causes the floodgate of words to flow. I don't know!
Later, when having the same kind of argument about writing a book - I got a fortune cookie at a Chinese restaurant that read: "Don't let fear and suspicion bar your progress," when I was letting fear and suspicion bar my progress!
Yes, he finds his little ways to communicate with us, doesn't he. I can just hear that irrepressible giggle!
Very spectacular post. You have captured my emotion and yet I feel a comfort when I read your poem "Rainbow". Last night, it was a bright full moon. I was driving way back home and I gazed at it for a while. I feel Michael when I look at the bright full moon, when I see the sparkling lightnings because he's so strong and great not just as an artist but he stroke the whole world with love and peace. I felt sad because I would only see and feel his presence through the moon but I told myself that he is with me in spirit. I smiled and started to drive again. Michael is gone although I can't seem to get it through to my heart yet that we won't be seeing/watching him anymore. So many memories, so many dreams, they will be living in me, always...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Charlene. L.O.V.E
Oh yes, that irrepressible giggle!! Thank you, Jan, for reminding me of his precious playfulness! I can just imagine his joy at being able to touch each and every one of us now with his magic, surprising and delighting those that are open enough to recognize it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you sent the telegram! I have no doubt he read it. Everything he received from his fans was so valuable to him - I've heard that he kept it all! I just read something yesterday that he had hoped to open a museum to display all the things his fans ever sent to him. How sweet is that? I also read a story a while back by someone who knew him - said they were with him on tour and recalled him searching his hotel suite before checking out, saying he didn't want to leave anything behind that his fans had given him. It was all important to him - even a scrap of paper with a love note on it! Just knowing this makes me believe he must have read every note, card, letter or telegram he ever received. I'm sure your telegram was no exception and that it brought him much comfort in the midst of that awful time.
Your friendship is precious to me, Jan. Thank you... :)
Dear Maria,
ReplyDeleteI spent some time gazing at that glorious full moon last night too! There are many times I feel the same way you do - that I will never have the opportunity now to see him in person, to feel what it's like to be in his presence, to experience that remarkable magnetism, energy and love that he emulated! But then, on the other hand I am so grateful for being able to feel is presence of spirit and to recognize and receive his messages. I can't even imagine what it would be like now not to know him, not to understand the magnitude of who he was and still is in the world. When I think of this, I feel so eternally blessed to be one who "gets" it!!
What you said is so beautiful..."he stroked the whole world with love and peace." So, so true!! And let's hope that there will continue to be more and more people who feel stroked by that love and peace as time goes on. Because we are privileged to know him, we have the honor and the responsibility of keeping his love alive by doing all we can to help others understand him and his messages!
God Bless You, my friend...
~ Charlene ~
"Stroked the whole world with his love and peace." What a perfect visual. Thanks, Maria.
ReplyDeleteBTW - Charlene - I haven't seen you at withachildsheart lately. Lotsa new stuff there when you get the time to visit.
I've got another perfect visual: "The Planet's Heart." I picture the Earth from space with a big heart-shaped hole in the middle of it. What will we do with the planet's heart?
Jan - I just came from your site, evidentally as you were visiting here! I left a comment on your "history" post - amazing! I highly recommend others go to Jan's blog to read her latest entry...well, ALL her entries for that matter. (Just click on her name above and it will take you there.)
ReplyDelete"The Planet's Heart"...hmmm, this makes me think. "He was the planet’s heart – and the planet is staggering under the weight of its own iniquity without its heart." - your own profound words, Jan. Will this be the topic of your next post? If so, I look forward to reading your reflections on this thought-provoking topic!
Love to you,
~ Charlene ~
Oops! Correction to spelling above: *evidently*
ReplyDeleteSorry! I haven't figured out how to edit a comment once it's been posted. This bugs me, you know, perfectionist that I am!
LOVE to all...
Dear Charlene,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story, your thoughts and your art- your poetry.
Dear Irina,
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my little blog and leaving a note. It is my great pleasure to share my thoughts and reflections and I appreciate others' expressions also.
Love and Blessings to you,
~ Charlene ~
Hi Charlene,
ReplyDeletethis is my first time on your beautiful blog. I came across it through withachildsheart. And I see I have stumbled upon another soul on a similar journey, called by Michael. Your posts are beautiful.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling spiritually awakened and being guided by intuitions. These past 14 months have been a rollercoaster of awakenings and resonances. I just wanted to say hello and that it's always exciting to find a fellow traveller.
Also, Hold My Hand is one of my favourites!!
Hello Niahm, (beautiful name!)
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing a comment from you on Jan's site. I'm so glad you decided to pay me a visit here! I just came from your site and realized I had read a few of your posts before, but I don't remember how I originally found them. Looking at the list of sites you are "following", it doesn't surprise me that our paths have crossed as there are several sites we have in common. Yes, it is exciting to find a fellow traveller on a similar journey.
Thank you for your lovely comment and for taking the time to say hello. I'll revisit your site very soon as I want to read more. I am intrigued!
~ Charlene