MJ Reflections

Friday, February 4, 2011


It was brought to my attention on January 31 this year that this was the date in 2005 when Michael stood before a judge and plead 'not guilty' to unthinkable charges which were brought against him by a money hungry family and a greedy politician. I couldn't get the imagined picture of him standing in that courtroom proclaiming his innocence out of my mind. Other images of his famous walks to and from the courthouse in Santa Maria, California, during the 5 month trial that followed his official plea flooded my thoughts as well. And I couldn't help thinking about all the events leading up to that time as well as the events that followed the jury's verdict of "Not Guilty" 14 times on June 13, 2005. This date will stand out in history as the day Michael Jackson was declared innocent of child molestation; but even though he was exonerated, the truth is, his life would never be the same after that. And we continued to hear slanderous remarks and innuendoes regurgitated by the media and the public from those who just couldn't seem to believe in his innocence. It's an unfortunate and an unjustified misconception we are still dealing with today.

This is not the first time I have thought of these things, nor is it the first time I have cried many tears over the injustice of this insane situation and how it crushed Michael's soul! But this is the first time I found the words to express all that was occupying my heart and mind when these images - these memories - came flooding back all at once.

This remarkable journey I've been on with Michael since June 25, 2009, has led me through some extreme highs and lows along the way, learning new things at every turn about this innocent and generous man we all love so very much. I just keep loving him more and more as time goes on and I want him to know how much of a difference he has made in my life. I want him to know that everything he gave us...all he sacrificed...all he endured was somehow not in vain. The impact he has made on my life and the lives of so many around the world is a powerful testimony to the effectiveness of his life's work and the mission he was here to accomplish! I bow before him in humble gratitude for the precious gifts he shared with us at such a high cost! And I thank God every day for the gift of Michael in this world!

His message was love, pure and simple... we got it!... And we're not letting it go!


An innocent man went to trial today
Accused of things he couldn't even say
Seventy officers invaded his home
Ransacked and pillaged through everything he owned

The paradise he'd created
Lost its soul that day
And Neverland lost its Peter Pan
Because they couldn't accept
He was an innocent man

Handcuffed, paraded before all of humanity
Viscious tongues lashed out in glee, "He's Guilty!"
The lynching began before the trial even started
This innocent man was hate's favorite target
Thirsty for blood, they couldn't wait
For him to meet his presumed fate

Humble and proud, he stood before the judge
"I'm not guilty, your honor
And I want you to know I won't hold a grudge
I forgive them, you see
For they know not what they do
I'll face the jury
Then the world will know the truth"

His innocent nature was not an act
Some found it hard to believe
'Cause the truth is, as a matter of fact
On stage he was a 'beast'
A sensitive man to the very core
An artist, a genius, a master of his craft
We'd never seen anything... or anyone
Quite like him before

His love of children
Was the whole of his existence
Without them, you see, he wouldn't want to be
The children of the world were his reason for living
They knew his true soul
His innocence they could see

A healer of the sick
And a lover of all things pure
He believed in magic, this innocent man
And he only wanted to share it
With everyone throughout the land
Bringing joy and escapism
To this hurting world
He gave us all he had to give
His love, energy and light
Put our spirits in a whirl
Growing wings to fly
Like Peter Pan
Above the clouds so high

A child at heart
God's innocent delight
He inspired us all to be child-like
To love as a child loves
And to remember their plight

But the media vultures
And their pandering public
Didn't understand
The purity of his soul
They really believed
He was capable of hurting
The very thing
That made him feel whole

They judged and ridiculed
Laughed and pointed
Chewed him up and spit him out
They were ugly and mean
They just didn't understand
What this innocent man
Was really all about

The trial was a farce
It should never have been
And ultimately
They couldn't convict
This innocent man

But they took his soul
In two thousand and five
And even though
He came back to show us
He was ever alive
This innocent man
Would leave us again
When the doctor contrived
To let him die
In the year two thousand and nine

Although his body is gone from this earth
His spirit lives on
A new day, a new birth!
His love penetrates
The hearts of those who believe
'Cause he planted the seed
In you and in me

The gifts God gave him for us to see
How to live and love and just how to be
Have inspired us to be the very best that we can be
He gave us insight to heal this planet
So, we're workin' day and night to put some love back in it

'Cause this innocent man
Gave his all to humanity
To heal the world
For the children, you see
The very thing
He was accused of hurting

So, no matter what they say
No matter what they do
They can't take away his innocence
We'll see to it they never forget
If it's the last thing we ever do!

 Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess 


 The following video is provided courtesy of:
Valmai Owens, Dir. of Publications at MJTP.
Thank you Valmai!


  1. Char,

    This just made me cry. You have the words to express my feelings about Michael and his innocent, pure love of children. I hope it's okay to post this in the positive website thread at MJJC. I have posted other things as well, like "We Know" including the copyright notice and mentioning your website as the source.
    Lots of love,

  2. Elmira,

    Of course you can share this on MJJC. Thank you so much for your words of love and support!

    I just found a video that goes with this post so well, I had to add it here. I'll send you a message on facebook in case you want to check it out and maybe post it on MJJC along with the rest of the blog.

    God Bless you, my friend...

  3. Well, my dear ... looks like Friday is the day ... at least this week. Fabulous ... as always ... so well-spoken and without hatred. You question, but do not condemn. You puzzle, but do not partake of injustice and rancor. It's a fine line we walk, isn't it?

    And that video ... Dear God, make it so. May we be his justice until Your justice is done!

    As always, a refreshing visit. We love you more!

  4. Thank you Charlene, my favorite line is the one before the poem starts

    His message was love, pure and simple... we got it!... And we're not letting it go!

  5. Char where do I start, this poem “Innocent” has touched me to my core, all your words do. You moved me to tears from the very moving beginning to the very last word. Char you write the words that I feel and so much want to say, I just don’t have the gift that god has given to you. I thank God and Michael everyday for guiding me to this massive family of love, I feel so blessed. We are all here for one purpose, to love each other” unconditionally” and to continue Michaels message of love and to Heal the World. And my other purpose is, until my dying day I will continue to fight for the injustice, which Michael has suffered then and even now. Char I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my sister of love and my friend. Love you more….

  6. Dearest Char...there is so much to say and really no words that can express fully what is in my heart as i walk along this page. Reading you poetry, seeing the pictures, reading how your love for MJ has affected others...these are the loving chambers where the Beloved pours over me and touches me. How continuously blessed i am by those to whom Michael communicates his undying love and gives everyone a chance to feel that love. His love for us is like ours for him unconditional. It is what God has given to me from Michael and you my dear are a beautiful, magical, loving part of this world that the Lord has created. thank you for being a brave heart who can without reservation expose yourself for all to see that we "Know" MJ still lives in our hearts and in the world. i love you more and more...

  7. I miss Michael so much and this video make m
    e cry a river for him.
    Michael wwas profaned when still alive and before his dead.
    Respect for Michael.
    God bless you and give a peace his soul.
    I love you, Michael!

  8. Mabi said...(via facebook)

    Char....ufffff....It´s so hard...That trial killed him. Killed his soul, his joy, his smile, the trust...He never was the same again.
    It´s a thing that I can´t understand even today. Why a human being can make such a big hurt to another.
    Specially to a man who never hurt anybody.
    But, as you say , He was stand and faced the jury in dignity.
    I can feel his pain in the pics...Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem, Char. I hope Michael can feel our love in Heaven.

  9. Jan said...(via facebook)

    My comment is on Reflections! You keep outdoing yourself, dear! And that video ... can't stop the tears at what we did to that beautiful soul. The good thing is, he is still turning hearts. I have a friend who didn't see This Is It in theaters or rent it. She saw it last week on TV ... her cable channel was playing it and she watched. Came up to me the day after and said, "I was thinking about you last night. I watched ..." And promptly proceeded to tell me how she had never really paid attention to Michael's gentleness and his humility ... said she was in tears throughout almost the entire film! Yes, you go, baby! Keep moving us and turning us from our myopic view!

    @Mabi ... believe me ... he can feel it! I know this for a fact. I can only refer you to my blog at http://withachildsheart.wordpress.com/.


  10. Marjolein said...(via facebook)

    Thank you Charlene and thank you Jan for healing this world with words of LOVE and not with hate......
    Thank you both from the bottom of my heart.....

    LOVE to you!

  11. Candy said...(via facebook)

    Thank you so much for this amazing poem my dear Char.
    Yes, he was always innocent. Let us pray and hope that justice is served for him and his family.

    Love you dear Starlight!

  12. Nancy said...(via facebook)

    Starlight, Ultimately MJ is always innocent. I don't care what that doc tries to say. Our love, unity, and tenacity will prevail.

    Love your poem!!!! Thank you honey!! Prayers to the Jackson children, Mrs. Jackson, and the Jackson family. Long live the Legacy!

    Love to you sweetie!

  13. thank you so much for this beautiful video, we will always keep MJ's legacy alive. forever in our hearts

  14. Gerri said...(via facebook)

    I think it was Martin Luther King Jr who once said, 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it always bends towards justice.' I think through our words and acts of love, we are each playing a part in helping to move that arc in justice's direction for Michael. And it seems whatever we do for Michael, we are also doing on behalf of the world.

  15. Debbie said...(via facebook)

    Beautiful Charlene. Thank you for sharing ♥

  16. Sharon said...(via facebook)

    I am crying after reading that Charlene, so beautiful and so very true and you capture everything so perfectly, the pain, the sadness, the strength, the innocence, the pure simple love he had for children, his message and how he will never truly leave us.

    We have to allow those seeds which he left in our hearts to flourish because that is how we will be able to reach out to others and continue to make others see and spread this wonderful man's message ♥

    Thank you so much for sharing Charlene ♥

  17. Cheryl said...(via facebook)

    what a truly beautiful poem. it really touched me deeply.
