MJ Reflections

Saturday, July 7, 2012


My beloved ones…
In you, I have made all things new
casting out old ways that are no longer useful
Be on the lookout for all I have prepared for you

You will know My wish for you
when you look upon a child
and see God in the face of a newborn babe
Innocent and bright
Fresh from the womb
Carrier of My dreams
Another chance to get it right
The ultimate expression of My Love for you

With an open mind and Love in your heart
You will see with new eyes
all that surrounds you
The beauty and grandeur of the natural world
Light, color, music and form
Life in all its shapes and sizes
The Divine order in all of Creation
And the rhythm of the Universe
as it pulses through the ages

A bold and radiant light is in YOU
You are My hope for the future
You are the expression of My Love
Draw near to Me with a thankful heart
Recognize the blessings bestowed upon you
and rejoice in the Love that is here!

I long to make your life a glorious adventure
Do not fear the unknown
Trust in Me to carry you through
Lean on Me, and believe Me when I say
Nothing will separate us
as you let go of old ways that are no longer useful
…and you begin anew!

Copyright © 2012 by Charlene Burgess


  1. So wonderful the two new posts!

    Your blog is so peaceful and full of love energy, thank you for what you do, Char!

    It's all for love! Love for our wonderful Angel, for our friends and for our world.

    Have a nice week!

  2. Hi dear, how are you? Just stop by to give you a hug and know how are things =)

    Much love!


    1. Mayra... God Bless You for coming here to bring a hug and to increase the love-light in this place! I fear it is beginning to grow cobwebs for lack of use! I do hope to revive it somewhat in the near future, though, as the events during the last year of my life are beginning to let go of their need for so much of my attention. It is a relief on so many levels, and I am very excitedly looking forward to another ocean retreat next week where I will have time to reflect and write. Who knows where the spirit will lead? But I am open and willing to go, with Michael as my muse. ;)

      And how are YOU doing, my dear? I haven't seen you in other places lately, but I haven't been there much myself. I have missed you. Thank you for checking in.

      Love You More!

  3. Oh, I understand.. The same happened to me, I had so many things and problems all the same time, it was like a roller coaster! But thank God now things are starting to get back to place (at least I hope so! LOL). I think my blog is already dead, haha..

    I had some time to rest (holidays), but I'll be back to work on Tuesday (here we go again.. what to do).

    I still feel Michael's presence, sometimes.. Yesterday I was a little ill, he came to check on me =) I feel so happy!

    Missed you!

    Mike's love (and mine) to you :)


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