MJ Reflections

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Michael's Gift

 Thank you, dear Michael
For sharing your magic
Your wonderment of all things sacred
The moon and the stars
The mysteries of the universe
Your appreciation for beauty and innocence
And your childlike awe at the miracles of nature
As if you were seeing it all for the very first time

Thank you, dear Michael
For inviting me to be a child again
To experience the reverence forgotten
To hold a caterpillar in the palm of my hand
And giggle at the way it tickles
To imagine what lies beyond the stars
And to know that anything is possible wherever you are

Thank you, dear Michael
For the gift of your light and your love
Your heart and your soul
Have become a part of me
Thank you for helping me to feel again
For bringing me back to my heartspace
Reminding me that all that really matters in life
Comes from the heavens above
That music is the only true language of love
And all of creation sings her song

Thank you, dear Michael
For sharing your enchantment
For making it possible to dream
To believe in magic and moonbeams
And to know what you know…
That everything is exactly as it was created to be
And all we need do is open our hearts
To see with new vision what is already there

Thank you, dear Michael
For your message to a world in sorrow
An evening’s sunset
A colorful rainbow
Or a shooting star
To remind us that you are always here
And even from afar
You are guiding us toward a better tomorrow

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess


  1. Yes, all we can do is be grateful for everything that beautiful man gave us ... and for the truth he helped us to see. It's amazing what one individual's impact on the world can be. I am always so in awe when I contemplate what he accomplished in one short lifetime. Be blessed always, our angel ... as you blessed us so richly!

  2. Thank you Charlene, for reminding us how simple the life we see as so complicated really is, and for expressing appreciation from all of us, to the one who saw it all so clearly, and showed us.

  3. Thank you Charlene for the gratitude expressed herein. Finding peace, joy, gratitude and beauty all around one is a gift, a remembered gift from the Creator and bless Michael for showing us the way back Home. Beautiful Poem and images too. Thank you.

  4. This is gorgeous Char. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words. I am so grateful for all that Michael gave us...and continues to give. He is the Teacher of Souls...and I am His student, sitting in silent awe of His wisdom and Love.

    Thank you for loving Him so completley.
    Siren xxx

  5. Simply beautiful! The words so perfect and flow so easily. It is like you reach into my heart and mind and share all the love for MJ I have inside. My favorite stanza:
    "Reminding me that all that really matters in life Comes from the heavens above. That music is the only true language of love and all of creation sings her song."
    So Beautiful! Michael gave all this to us...Thank you Michael...Thank you Charlene for sharing your heart and love of Michael with us.

  6. Thanks Charlene..Its beautiful..Always love coming here sharing Michael's love....Lovelove

  7. Dear Charlene, as usual your poema expresses the feelings we all feel but do not have the gift of expressing by ourselves. Thank you for doing it so well for us ! You and Linda ( MJTP) work with words so wonderfully ! And , in a misterious way, you come inside of our collective heart , in search of theme ! That's why we recognize ourselves in your poems ! Isn't that wonderful ?! The parts that moré touched me were the one about him showing us things we all know intelectually but haven't touched our hearts ! And when you thank him for making us understand that Music is the Language oh GOD ! That's true : besides Mathematics, Music is the only other Universal Language ! So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for giving us one moré inspirational teme ! L. O. V. E. Nora.

  8. Much Gratitude and much L.O.V.E. is what I feel for Michael. THhanks Char for this another beautiful inspiration.

    How beautiful could be the love and the magic and the tenderness this man makes grow in our hearts?

    Thank you my Angel!
    Thank You Char!

    And THANK YOU GOD for have allowed Michael have been existed on this planet!

  9. It's beautiful!!! You express so lovely all what we feel all the love for Michael!
    It's speechless!!
    Thank You So Much Michael!

    Amd Thank You Too Dear for sharing this wonderful piece!

  10. Breezy said... (via facebook)

    You have a wonderful blog dedicated to our Michael. :) Thanks for sharing.

  11. Sue said... (via facebook)

    Thank you, Charlene! These are wonderful words dedicated to our Michael :-)

  12. Helena said... (via facebook)

    Charlene you have a beautiful site
    Thank you

  13. Donita said... (via facebook)

    Your words are so beautiful, perfectly describing how Michael taught us to appreciate the beautiful things in this world that God so graciously blessed us with. Michael himself was one of the most beautiful gifts that God bestowed upon us. Thank you so much Char for sharing your heart with us!! ♥

  14. Mabi said... (via facebook)

    Thank you Char...He was a gift from God. I always thank because I was so blessed for Michael´s love and magic. Love you, sis. ♥

  15. Candy said... (via facebook)

    I adore your poem my dear Char. It is amazing how you manage to say it all so beautifully. For all the reasons you have mentioned we will thank him for all time.My favourite part is the 3rd stanza. God bless you and your family Starlight. Thank you for sharing your art with us. I love you.

  16. Keita said... (via facebook)

    Charlene...you know that you take me there to that place where i love to be. In the light and truth of the Beloved. Your poetry rests comfortably inside of me and certain lines will drift into my thought and dream. Sometimes if you catch me with a wistful smile on my face i will be thinking of something that you have said and i love you so... Thank you for creating a beautiful room where i can sit in peace with the Beloved.

  17. My heart thanks you, dear ladies... You are precious! Your loving words and thoughts shared here are a beacon of light to my soul. Much LOVE and gratitude! ~ Char *♥*

  18. Marjolein said... (via email)

    Hi Charlene,
    Thank you so very much for reminding me of the gifts Michael gave to this earth and to us...
    Wonderful post, and those pictures... The one where Michael is studying a flower... Yes! That's what i learned from him... to be amazed with the world and everything in it....

    Thank you!
    LOVE to you!

  19. Nancy said... (via facebook)

    I just read it and I think it is beautiful and very meaningful. You put into words my feelings exactly, and reading it made me feel happy and inspired! Thank you!

  20. Sharon said... (via facebook)

    Hi Charlene
    I am home sick today and finally had some time to read your beautiful poem. It was lovely and anyone can easily connect to the spirit of Michael and the love he has left behind. We fans know and connect and feel it always... We all think alike in so many ways... I love to write poetry too... I loved your poem very much ♥
    Much Love Sharon

  21. I'm so thankful for dear Michael and for all the wonderful friends I've met on the internet! You're one of them, Charlene!

    Wonderful text you've written, as always =)

    Much love to you,

  22. Didn't get to reply earlier, you know what happened twice already ? I was searching for items in my positive websites thread and stumbled upon your blog/website with a new piece before you informed anyone via Facebook. That tells me that we're invisibly connected and being inspired by the same Souce. Isn't that just wonderful ?

    Amazing poem Char.And I love the pictures too.
    Can I use this in the positive websites ? And how would that work with the protection on this website ( hoping nobody steals it from MJJC of course as their own). Can you message me via Facebook about this ?
    Lots of love and God bless you!

  23. Warm energy, full of love, I can feel, as I come here to read this beautiful post once again. As I commented here in March 8, 2011, my feeling is still the same. I'm so grateful to have met you all. Michael gave us each other as a gift, and as you wrote on Facebook, I don't feel lonely anymore, too, because I have you guys. Sometimes, when that feeling of being alone wants to come to my heart, I remember you sisters and it just disappears.

    Love you, Char, and all my MJ sisters! Have a blessed week!

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