I had been considering attending a local "Holistic Faire" for some time to get a reading from someone with psychic abilities. I didn't know much about it, but I had been to one of these faires previously with my daughter, sat with her and took notes while she received a reading. I was mostly curious to hear what someone with this special gift would feel or sense coming from me or in the energy field around me. In a way, I think I was wanting to receive some kind of validation of what I was experiencing. A complex mix of thoughts and feelings were having their way with me about taking this risk - putting myself out there to be examined on a spiritual level by a complete stranger. Not knowing how reliable their "gift" would be and knowing that mistakes could be made caused an inner conflict with my need for validation. What would I hear? And what would I DO with that information? Most important, how would it effect my own perception of my personal experience? Would the reading be so vague that I would not find the answers I was seeking; consequently, adding even more weight to the doubt which already plagued me from time to time?
In March, after much inner deliberation, I made the decision to attend the Holistic Faire. The plan was to just wander around the room to get a feel for who was there, how I was feeling about being there, and to make a decision at that time whether I would go for a reading. Well, almost as soon as I entered the building, I felt a sense of dis-ease about it, but I wasn't entirely sure why. There were many people attending this faire, so there was a noticeable "buzz" in the room. It was a positive energy among people who were already well acquainted with one another, lending a sense of community to the environment. Under normal circumstances, this would be a good thing; however, my vulnerability caused me to feel very much like a stranger in a strange land. I proceeded with my original plan, picked up some information at the front table and walked around the room, reading the bio's on all the participants and getting a feel of the space. A variety of psychic gifts were represented, all of which I knew very little about. Each booth was only semi-private, with other people waiting in line for their readings. It all seemed too distracting and impersonal. My experience with Michael and our connection felt very personal to me, and the thought of exposing it to a stranger in this environment was quite unsettling. It didn't take me long to decide that I was not ready for this! I determined that I might consider a private reading later on, but for now, it just didn't feel right. When I left the facility, I went for a drive to process my feelings, stopped at a favorite spot along the river, and wrote the poem "Exposed" which is printed below.
Later on, I told a friend and mentor about the decision I'd made and she affirmed my choice, saying that I had done the right thing by following my intuition about the discomfort I was feeling, and she thought it was important for me to discern from my heart what my own truth was about this experience with Michael. Imagine that...me, getting back in touch with my heart and trusting it! I'm happy to say that I have made much progress in that area since March. Now, for the most part, I "just know" when Michael is present, communicating with me in his own unique ways to let me know this experience IS, indeed, authentic and he will be there when I need him. I no longer feel the need for human validation of this incredible journey, as this adventure has been affirmed by God and Michael in all the ways they make themselves known to me. As I stated in a previous post...they're in this together, you know!
Getting back to my heartspace and trusting it has been such an amazing gift, and I celebrate this Gift every single day! Although the path is still not entirely straight, my confidence in the truth of this experience has grown tremendously. I no longer question it. And Michael has been nothing if not consistent at showing up at just the right time to give me a loving nudge, sharing a little more of his light with me so I can see my way to the next thing - moving ahead inch by agonizing inch toward the goal of making the world a better place! Perseverance is one of his greatest virtues!
Feeling exposed
Walking into a crowded room
Filled with those who would know my fate so soon
Can I trust their gift to get it right
May cause a rift, what is their insight
My soul laid open for all to see
What lies inside of me

Escaping the prison that was my life
My wounded soul sliced open with a knife
His death would be
The start of a new journey
My broken heart revealing
My truth, all that I’ve been feeling
This awakening
Charged with joy, fraught with pain
Something inside me come to life again
I’m learning to trust, to understand
The message, my part, his guiding hand
Not always sure of my sanity
Someone said, that’s ego, it fears its own mortality
Be gentle with it, it’s like a child
Selfish needs will try to rule, resist, defile
But if I believe in my calling
Love will rule the day
Keep me from falling prey
To those who doubt, including my fragile ego
This is not about self, God is freeing me to go
To places I’ve only dreamed
Experiencing love in the extreme
My gift to impart to others from my heart

The journey so far has been resplendent
Overflowing with love, light and encouragement
Taking me beyond my wildest expectations
His light so bright, filling all the empty spaces
Wanna hold on, never let go
Can I keep the light burning all on my own
Is my belief strong enough to withstand
Comments from those who don’t “get” the man
Can I still love and know as God knows
What lies within must be exposed
Still wanting to protect this precious gift
If others inspect, will the treasure be lifted
Invasion of privacy allows them to judge
Can I be exposed without bending to the nudge

Vulnerable, but strong, taking a stand
For truth, love and justice, he’ll hold my hand
He won’t let go, for this is the call
The mission to send his message to all
If validation is what I seek
Remember his courage and don’t be weak
All that he endured for the cause
Will give me strength and conviction without pause
Being exposed is part of the test
Persecution from all the rest
Will be my cross to bear
For this great love I am blessed to share
Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Of course, you made the right decision in getting out of there when you did. No one can judge the truth of what you are experiencing, just as no one exterior to myself can judge the reality of mine. We don't need external validation of this experience. It's not logical. There is no empirical data to examine or analyze. We know it! It is more real to us than the chair we sit in in front of our computers until the wee hours (and some of us fall asleep in them :)!
ReplyDeleteThe reason no one else can confirm or deny this experience is because we must CHOOSE it ... and no one can make that choice for us ... only we can do that! We can choose to believe that Michael Jackson (yup the same one who is the most famous human being to walk this planet in a long, long time and whose love has reached out of our television screens and cd players and grabbed us by the throat) knows us so intimately that he can speak to us within our souls in ways that make us grab our computers before we lose those inspirations. Or we can choose to believe that such a notion is impossible, illogical, improbable, insane. It is totally up to us ... and us alone ... to make that choice.
I made that choice in 1992 and lived it for a decade. What a fabulous ride it was! Then, I forgot that I had chosen and lost it. Because we must choose in each moment and go on choosing. Now, he is back with me because I have chosen to be open to his influence and inspirations ... to open my heart to that beautiful smile and the tender touch I know so well.
Insane? Perhaps, but I never really considered myself capable of writing something like Bright Angel or Bodhisattva or Angelique without aid of some kind! Are you? Those inspirations are coming from somewhere outside of my own imagination ... I don't have that good an imagination. Do you?
So, while I so agree and understand the doubts you experienced (believe me, I experienced the same doubts myself ... as well as the same inability to explain what was happening to me), it is only when we choose the reality of what we are experiencing that we are validated and only we can do that!
Got it? Good ... let's dance!
Jan...I have been pondering your words. I don't know if I can adequately respond here but I will try. My first reaction is that I agree with you because I think for me there was a point where I surrendered and made the choice to believe because my experience was telling me that it was so. It didn't necessarily make sense, I couldn't explain it or make it seem logical, but I just knew; therefore, I believed. But I also have questions that surface for me when I think about this concept of choosing. If it really is as simple as a choice that we make, then what does that mean in relation to being "chosen" or receiving "the call"? And what about free will? When we make this choice, are we simply willing it into being because it is a wish, a longing, a desire? And if we do not choose to believe, does that mean it doesn't exist? These are all good questions that may require another blog to explore! Or perhaps a private discussion?
ReplyDeleteI'm dancin' my friend!
~ Char ~
Charlene, Once again you have expressed my feelings and experiences through your writing. I feel so understood, connected, cared for and loved when you show me the bigger picture of how we are all going through these things seemingly alone, and at the same time. Does that make sense? Anyway, thanks so much for this story.
ReplyDeleteStay with your intuition feelings, Charlene. That is the wisest idea of all. For me, it was Michael who brought me to God and Jesus and made me believe in things that are unseen, and helped me realize the presence of God is with me.
ReplyDeleteDid I tell you about an experience I had with Michael in September last year? I was sitting alone in the dark of my room one night, and I felt his presence clearly. It was the pure, sweet and unconditional love from him that appeared in the air. I felt this love embracing me. He's never returned since then, but for me that is enough to know he loves me as much as he loves others. Beside, I'm still feeling God's calling through him inside me every minute of a day.
mjeverafter...What you say makes perfect sense! There are many times when I have felt very much alone in this, even when I knew there were many others having a similar experience. So much of what was happening to me and inside of me, I couldn't share, didn't want to, because it defied logic and it felt very personal. I think many others felt this way too. Now we can begin to share some of this, and by doing so, we give others permission to do the same or at least they can feel understood, connected, cared for and loved as you said. It does the same for me. By sharing it, I too am blessed! Thank you for giving me the opportunity just by being here!
ReplyDeleteLove & Peace to you,
~ Charlene ~
Dear Linh...Thank you so much for your support and for sharing your story of when you felt Michael's presence. Wow! I believe that pure, sweet love of his has so much power, it can reach us anywhere, anytime. It's like he knows our need and responds without hesitation. God Bless Him! How blessed are we to be the recipients of that beautiful love? It just blows me away!
ReplyDeleteLove to you my friend,
~ Charlene ~
Hi Charlene,
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely made the right decision! I enjoyed reading your blog again! Thanks for sharing!
Michael is connected with us...in a very especial way, me too I could see and hear him especially when someone is in need of moral support! I was contacted also before by a girl of 13 from UK, and she told me that she dream of Michael a lot...even could him talking to her...
Many people who love Michael and adore him after his death, suddenly MJ connects to them....amazing!
and I strongly believe-----his mission is not yet fulfilled....and I am indeed blessed and happy for finding so lovely people with one goal, L.O.v.E. and heal the world...WE are great, we are a big MJ family!
Keep it up dear......all the best
by the way dear, are you now a One dot-One Fan member, MJTP?? if so, please add me....Dot'262814
Maria! I am so happy to hear from you again. I have missed you! Thank you for your loving comnments - your support is always a treasure to me.
ReplyDeleteI tried to find you on MJTP, but didn't have any luck. Not sure how to search by dot#. I'll try another way.
Yes, we are all part of one big global MJ family of Love!! I feel so blessed always.
Love you honey,
~ Charlene ~
Yup, Charlene! How blessed we are :) to have been given the gift to feel this beautiful spirit.
ReplyDeleteHe knows us better than we know ourselves. He can see our souls, Char.
Beautiful blog, thank you for sharing! : )