MJ Reflections

Monday, July 4, 2011

If We Only Just Listen

The Plea
Parents take heart
Don’t lose hope
You can make a new start
Love and kindness are a part of God's dream
for a brighter tomorrow
You have the power to make things right
The children need your help
Simply be your very best selves
The truth of what you were meant to be
Remember your childhood, innocent and bright
Return to your heart, stay in the light
And keep singing your beautiful love song

We must admit where we’ve been wrong
We’ve lost sight of what’s right
We’ve all been fooled
We don’t know what we want, we only think we do
That’s why we need children to show us the way
To help us remember
Guide us back to our hearts
To that place and time before our childhoods went astray

This is the time to bury our pride
Pay attention to God’s littlest angels
They have much to teach us
In their innocence, they are wise
Their little souls are closest to God
Their light is still shining brightly
If we crush it now, their spirits will die
We can’t allow this to be!

Please don’t belittle, ridicule or strike
Good discipline is not about fear
They deserve our respect
So they won’t run and hide or choose violence
When the schoolyard bully comes ‘round to jeer
This world needs their love
Their future is in our hands

Remember this…
Pay attention to their souls
God’s wisdom is in them
If we only just listen

The Promise
Children take heart
Don’t lose hope
We can make a new start
Love and kindness are a part of God's dream
for a brighter tomorrow
We have the power to make things right
But we need your help
Simply be your beautiful selves
The truth of what you were meant to be
Innocent and bright, happy and whole
Stay in the light
And keep singing your playful melody

Please, please don’t hide your light because of us
We admit where we’ve been wrong
We’ve lost sight of what’s right
We’ve all been fooled
We don’t know what we want, we only think we do
That’s why we need you to show us the way
Help us remember
Guide us back to our hearts
To that place and time before our childhoods went astray

You are God’s littlest angels
You have much to teach us
In your innocence, you are wise
Your little souls are closest to God
Your light is still shining brightly
If we crush it now, your spirits will die
We won’t allow this to be!

We promise not to belittle, ridicule or strike
Our discipline will not instill fear
You deserve our respect
So you won’t run and hide or choose violence
When the schoolyard bully comes ‘round to jeer
This world needs your love
Your future is in our hands

We will remember this…
To pay attention to your souls
God’s wisdom is in them
If we only just listen

Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess

  "Storyteller" by David Nordahl


  1. Char,

    Your great poems struck a chord with me yet again. There is so much we can learn from children that isn't childish, the single most important thing being that where there is fear, love cannot grow. Children know that pure beauty cannot be seen with the eyes but it must be felt with the heart. They don't care about form, they care about essence. thank you for sharing your poetic words of wisdom my friend! God bless you!


  2. Beautiful poem and beautiful picture of Michael's children, maybe dressed up as Peter Pan, Wendy and little Michael. That's what they make me think of. Very charming.

  3. This is so beautiful (and wise), thank you Charlene!

    aaw, how adorable this picture of Prince, Paris and Blanket :)


  4. Beautiful, as always. Thank you, Char.
    I love you
    Michael Loves you more
    Siren xxx

  5. Char this is so beautiful my dear friend. I enjoyed the photos of Michael and his children. I love you so much sister.
    Hugs from Greece.

