MJ Reflections

Saturday, July 7, 2012


My beloved ones…
In you, I have made all things new
casting out old ways that are no longer useful
Be on the lookout for all I have prepared for you

You will know My wish for you
when you look upon a child
and see God in the face of a newborn babe
Innocent and bright
Fresh from the womb
Carrier of My dreams
Another chance to get it right
The ultimate expression of My Love for you

With an open mind and Love in your heart
You will see with new eyes
all that surrounds you
The beauty and grandeur of the natural world
Light, color, music and form
Life in all its shapes and sizes
The Divine order in all of Creation
And the rhythm of the Universe
as it pulses through the ages

A bold and radiant light is in YOU
You are My hope for the future
You are the expression of My Love
Draw near to Me with a thankful heart
Recognize the blessings bestowed upon you
and rejoice in the Love that is here!

I long to make your life a glorious adventure
Do not fear the unknown
Trust in Me to carry you through
Lean on Me, and believe Me when I say
Nothing will separate us
as you let go of old ways that are no longer useful
…and you begin anew!

Copyright © 2012 by Charlene Burgess

Monday, June 25, 2012


There is nothing random about your life
You are on a path of My choosing
The truth is…
You are Mine
My Joy, My Soul
All the best of Me

Moment by moment
I reach for you
Will you be there?
Every moment is alive with My presence
Will you BE in each moment with Me?

I will walk with you and stay in your heart
Because I have chosen you
But to know My presence,
You must also choose Me

Will you say “Yes!”
Will you stay with Me?

Your heart is intimately connected with Mine
As it shall be each and every moment
You choose to receive
The Gift of My Bliss

As you surrender more and more of yourself to Me
In constant sweet communion we’ll be
Your worries will cease
And your heart will know only My Peace

There is simply no more time
Will you be there?
Will you still care?
My Chosen One…

Surrender your will to Mine
Let My Spirit direct all your steps
So that we may forever walk together
Along the path of Peace and Love Divine

Copyright © 2012 by Charlene Burgess

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rest in My Radiant Presence

When the world around you
seems to spin faster and faster
until everything is a blur,
When the challenges you face
are consuming you,
Go to that cushion of calm
at the center of your soul
where you live in union with me.

Return to this soothing center
as often as you can,
For this is where you are energized…
filled with my Love, Joy, and Peace.
The world is a needy place;
do not go there for sustenance.
Instead, come to me.
Depend on me.
And your weakness will dissolve
into nothingness
as I saturate your being
with my Light.

When you find your completeness
in the Power of my Love,
you can help other people
without looking to them
to meet your own needs.

Live and rest in my radiant Presence,
precious one.
And your light will shine brightly
into the lives of others!

Copyright © 2012 by Charlene Burgess

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gift of Light, Power, Truth & Joy

Now it’s time to open your present.
Gifts of tin and glass wear out in a day
and are gone.
But I have a better gift for you.

It is a ring for you to wear.
It sparkles with a special light
and cannot be taken away by anyone.
It cannot be destroyed.
You are the only one in all the world
who can see the ring that I give you today.
As I was the only one who could see it
when it was mine.

Your ring gives you a new power.
Wearing it, you can lift yourself
into the wings of all the birds that fly.
You can see through their golden eyes.
You can touch the wind
that sweeps through their velvet feathers.
You can know the joy of going way up high
above the world and all its cares.

You can stay as long as you want
in the sky,
past the night,
through sunrise.
And when you feel like coming down again,
your questions will have answers
and your worries will have gone.

As anything that cannot be touched
with the hand or seen with the eye,
Your gift grows more powerful
as you use it.
At first you might use it only when
you are outdoors,
watching the bird with whom you fly.
But later on, if you use it well,
it will work with birds
that you cannot see.

And last of all you will find
that you’ll need neither ring nor bird
to fly alone above the quiet of the clouds.
And when that day comes to you,
you must give your gift to someone
who you know will use it well,
And who can learn that the only things
that matter are those made of truth
and joy,
and not of tin and glass.

Every gift from a friend
is a wish for your happiness,
and so it is with this ring.

Fly free and happy
beyond birthdays
and across forever,
And we’ll meet now and then
when we wish,
In the midst of the one celebration
that never can end.

Excerpt from…
“There’s No Such Place As Far Away”
by Richard Bach

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Walk By Faith

As you take steps of faith each day,
I will show you how much you can do!

When you received the Gift
of my Light and Love,
I empowered you to live beyond
your perceived ability and strength.

And now you know...
If you live your life too safely,
you will never feel the thrill
of my Spirit working through you!

In the challenges you face,
my strength in you is limitless.
Stay close to me, and together
we will accomplish God's purposes.

Copyright © 2012 by Charlene Burgess

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where There Is Love

With a promise to carry on, dear friends, I made a clean break with everything that defiled or distracted me, both within and without. I had made my entire life a fit and holy temple for the worship of God.

Trust me. I've never hurt a soul, never exploited or taken advantage of anyone. I told you earlier that I'm with you all the way, no matter what, and that has not changed. I have, in fact, the greatest confidence in you. If only you knew how proud I am of you! I am overwhelmed with joy despite all the world’s troubles.

When I arrived, I couldn't settle down. The fighting among men and the fear in your hearts kept me on pins and needles. I couldn't relax because I didn't know how it would turn out. Then the God who lifts up the downcast lifted my head and my heart with the awareness of your intense devotion. True reassurance came to me in how much you cared, how much you grieved, how concerned you were for me. I went from worry to tranquility in no time!

I know I have distressed you greatly with my departure. Although I felt awful at the time, I don't feel at all bad now... now that I see how it turned out. I'm glad that you were jarred into turning things around. You let the distress bring you to God through me. Distress that drives us to God turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain.

And isn't it wonderful all the ways in which this distress has goaded you closer to me? You're more alive, more concerned, more sensitive, more reverent, more human, more passionate, more responsible. Looked at from any angle, you've come out of this with purity of heart. And that is what I was hoping for. My primary concern was for you—that you would realize and act upon the deep, deep ties between us. And that's what happened!

When I saw how you felt—your exuberance over me and your love for God—my joy doubled. It was wonderful to see how revived and refreshed you were by everything I did. I went out on a limb in telling God how great I thought you were, and you didn't cut off that limb. I hadn't exaggerated one bit. God saw for himself that everything I had said about you was true. He can't quit talking about it, going over again and again the story of your prompt obedience, and the dignity and sensitivity of your generosity and love. He is quite overwhelmed by it all!

And I couldn't be more pleased—I'm so confident and proud of you!

2 Corinthians, Chapter 7 ~ The Message
Adaptation by C. Burgess

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


“There is a medieval belief that angels want to sing to us. It makes them happy to do so. All we have to do is listen.” ~ F. David Peat

“As we journey through our lives, may we walk with awareness of our accompanying angels, knowing we may experience them in many ways. Angels may bring comfort when we are suffering, peace that calms raging inner wars, hope in times of despair. And during normal, everyday times, when nothing significant seems to be happening and we seem to be just plodding along, our angels, with their gentle humor, joy, laughter, and warm presence, can add a wonderful lightness to our lives. IF, that is, we remember to ask them for what we need! Be sure to include your angels in all your days; be open to their surprises, talk to them, ask them for any help you need, from the most mundane to the very important. You may be amazed at what happens -- and don’t forget to thank them for always being there!” ~ Anne Strader

“No one on earth could feel like this,
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart.”
~ Annie Lennox & David A. Stewart

“Living with an awareness of the companioning presence of angels . . . we come to realize angelic joy is working with us, surprising us, and reminding us that we are loved beyond measure. Limit not the myriad ways your angelic companions may knock on the door of your heart. Spending time in the Silence draws them nigh.” ~ Nan Merrill

“Blessed are You, Who understood my tears,
You comfort me with love's embrace.
Though my eyes cannot see You,
I feel your gentle Presence,
like angel wings lifting my spirit.
You turn my mourning into joy,
I dance to a new song.
Blessed are You, O loving companion
of my heart.” ~ Nan Merrill

“... walking and talking with an angel is really fundamentally no different from walking and talking with an ordinary human being. Both the angel and the person are expressions of the ultimate mystery; both are emanations of the Beloved ... There is only one sacredness and we all have it.” ~ David Spangler

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.

(translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)
published in Native American Prayers - by the Episcopal Church